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How to Use Porter-Cable PCE980 Wet Tile Saw

The market of tile cutters is full of several valuable instruments for home or workshop usage. Wet tile saws are preferable for home use because they are less expensive and do the job perfectly. You can easily manage your inappropriate tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms by using these tile saws.

Here in this post, we are providing you with important information about a wet tile saw. LaserLevelHub always strive to bring the best product to our readers. This valuable product is part of our effort. Porter-Cable is a respected name in the world of power tools. You can expect 100% satisfaction by using their elite product for tile cutting at home.

Porter-Cable PCE980 Wet Tile Saw

The Wet Tile Saw PEC980 from Porter-Cable is an excellent product for tile cutting. It has several unique features that distinguish it from other similar products available in the market.

Why Use Porter-Cable PCE980

The PCE980 wet tile saw contains a roll cage to protect the device and make its carrying easier. The splash guard protects the tool operator from spraying water while it is working. This product works at a tremendous speed of 2500 rpm. 

Indeed, homeowners can expect to finish the task in no time. One can find this product at various  Power Tool Reviews and Comparison lists because of its useful features. For instance, draining the water from the bucket is also convenient due to the presence of a drain plug.

It features a powerful one-horsepower motor that provides smooth cutting of stone tiles, porcelain, and ceramics. The cast-metal cutting cart has a capacity for 12x12 in. tile with a cutting capability of 17 in. in a diagonal shape.

How to Use Porter-Cable PCE980 Wet Tile Saw

We will provide a few tips to help you use the porter-cable PCE980 wet tile saw accurately. Following these tips will enable you to get maximum advantage from your product.

Double Check the Straightness

The fundamental step you need to follow is to check the straightness of the machine. As a precautionary measure, you can double-check by using a square ruler for this purpose.

Take Advantage of the Movable Cutting Cart 

The most admired feature is its unique table or the movable cutting cart. The blade of this wet tile saw can dismantle larger tiles easily and quickly. Hence, you will not have to worry about long planks or slides when using this model.

Use Onboard Miter Square

Cutting tiles on the diagonal is convenient with assistance from an onboard miter square. The same part allows repeatable rip cuts of tiles.

Apply Pressure on both Sides

While cutting the metal, it is necessary to apply similar pressure on both sides. If you fail to do so, then the metal will chip at the endpoint.

Its versatility and continence make it an ideal tool for homeowners. Our experts tested it before placing it in the list of  LaserLevelHub Top Products Evaluated. After their recommendation, we included this product for its exceptional performance and unique features.


The Porter-Cable Wet Tile Saw PCE980 is the best power tool for cutting large tiles. It has many unique features, which help it work efficiently, quickly, and flawlessly. The price is very affordable as well. Several types of protective instruments are available with this product.

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